Content Guide

About The Content On

The mission of will always be to educationally serve people about the comic-making process. Any and all content within the modules, the front sections of the site under the headings “Making”, “Distribution”, and “More”, have been rated and sorted based on their ability to educate a comic-making practitioner.

Featured Content

Feature Description

Comic Educator Connect

This is a brand new section of Comic Book Ed. Connect will work to provide a professional development learning community for comic book educators worldwide.


News Center

Whenever the project has news to share the news section is where we will share it. This section is dedicated to news that has to do with events, press releases, and announcements pertaining to the whole site as well as anything related to the Making Comics Worldwide Nonprofit.


Gutter Talk Podcast

Every Friday listen in as host Adam Greenfield is joined by artists from around the globe to discuss the how & why of their comic-making process.


Underdog Community features one of the most vibrant, and active, comic-making communities dedicated to education and mastery of the comic form. New and want to learn how to get involved? Check out our handy Underdog Community Starter-Kit. on Patreon

Rating System

 = Content rated with a “1” indicates that it is a vital piece of knowledge to have while making comics. This rating is reserved for the content on our site that we have deemed the most educational within its designated section.

= Content rated with a “2” is deemed to be a very useful part of the comic-making process, with many great educational applications.

 = Content rated with a “3” is designated as a useful link, but not a high priority to know when creating comics.

 = Content rated with a “4” is something worth knowing, but you could probably go without knowing it during the comic-making process.

Other Symbols…

 = Wherever you see this symbol (the logo), it means that the article it is appended to is an article generated and published on the site itself.

 =  While will always remain a free site for educational use, we will point to other colleagues within the field of comic-making education who charge some kind of fee for their services. Any time you see the “$” symbol it means that some, or all, of the content indicated has some sort of fee attached to it.

Titles of Listings’s goal is to be the biggest library of educational listings for the comic-making process on the web. For that reason, we have dedicated ourselves to always striving to make content listings on our site be first and foremost educational. It is vital, for this reason, that our titling system used to link to sites outside of always follow a code of education over promotion.

Our listing titles will always be aimed at concisely and clearly establishing the nature of the article and how it will help the end user in their educational process. We try to leave out bylines (e.g. “Jim Campbell Comic Book Sound Effects” would become “Comic Book Sound Effects”). This is not done with the intention of not giving credit to the writer/creator of the content we are pointing to – rather this is a way of connecting our target user (comic-making learners looking for quality educational content) quickly and more efficiently towards high quality content.

There are exceptions to including a title within a listing. For instance, if the title cannot be effective without the byline, it will be used. For example “Moebius’ 18 Tips for Comic Artists” would include the name in the title because describing it as “18 Tips” would not adequately help the user understand the relevance of the article.

“Making”, “Distribution” and “More” Sorting

All module listings on the front page of the site are sorted into the three main parent categories of “Making”, “Distribution”, and “More”.

Making  = Refers to all educational content that is directly related to the construction of a comic by an individual or group of individuals. This section would include items like drawing tutorials, coloring instructions, and writing guides.

Distribution =  Refers to anything that connects directly to the professional field of comic making. This section would include themes such as comic economic content, marketing to a consumer base, and sales of comic items.

More = Specifically, this section refers to anything outside of the first two categories. We like to think of this section as “lots of amazing things to know” but nothing that is completely essential to the comic-making process. Topics covered in this section include things such as articles on feminism in comics, the math as it relates to the comic-making process, and books that can help enhance your education.


  • Getting IdeasGetting Ideas

    Resources intended for the beginning stages of comic creation and are for thought generation and preliminary organization.

  • WritingWriting

    Resources related to writing comics (dialogue, script format, script software, etc).

  • DrawingDrawing

    Resources related to creating art, formatively, in a digital or traditional art environment.

  • ComposingComposing

    Resources related to the structure of drawings intended for sequential narrative.

  • InkingInking

    Resources for inking a comic using traditional tools, or digital, to achieve standard comic art black and white composition.

  • LetteringLettering

    Resources for lettering your comic, whether by hand or digitally.

  • ColoringColoring

    Related to coloring done for print or web by hand or digitally construction.


  • AssemblingAssembling

    Resources related to any and all printing & binding methods for small run distribution or mass distribution.

  • Webcomics, etc.Webcomics, etc.

    Resources relating to distributing comics physically & digitally (.cbr, pay what you want, comixology, kindle, etc). Also articles related to theories, price point, and web design.

  • MarketingMarketing

    Networking, working with the public, marketing events, creating a dialogue around your project, ad sales, etc. Also how to engage with the press, writing press releases, and network.

  • SellingSelling

    Techniques, legal info, price points, and more related to selling comics.

  • LegalLegal

    Resources for explaining contracts, lawyers, non-disclosure agreements, and ownership rights related to your work. Also will include articles pertaining to ownership of work and how to read contracts so that you can understand the ownership of your work

  • Getting WorkGetting Work

    Resources for hiring anyone to work with your ideas (artists, agents, colorists, inkers, web designers, etc.). Also for information about being employed, in some capacity. This extends to any work vaguely connected to the comic book industry.


    Frequently asked questions about the comic-making process answered by staff members.


  • AdviceAdvice

    Resources that present general advice given about the art form of comics. Usually these contain no other kinds of categorical precedence other than being "good advice".

  • Tools & MaterialsTools & Materials

    Tools, materials, and supplies related to comic-making

  • ManagementManagement

    Resources relating to various tools used to manage and bring efficiency to your workflow.

  • LearningLearning

    Resources related to the educational entities and theories related to the distribution and teaching of comic books.

  • ExemplarsExemplars

    Comics & comic creators worth noting due to approach in style & format. These are people & projects pushing the boundaries of the art form and are worth knowing about because of it.

  • Interesting StuffInteresting Stuff

    This page is dedicated to math, science, history, and other interesting stuff that is worth looking in relation to comic-making.

  • More ResourcesMore Resources

    Links to books, audiobooks, podcasts, and other resources to take your work to the next level.