Posts Tagged: webcomics

[Special] Daniel Warren Johnson, Royden Lepp, & Jason Brubaker (Coffee Table Comics 2) – Gutter Talk Podcast

The Making Comics Worldwide headquarters is located in beautiful San Diego. Saying the Making Comics Gutter Talk podcast took a winter break seems somewhat ridiculous, mostly because winter does not really exist in San Diego. Still, that’s exactly what happened and now the podcast is back. Well, sort of.

In this episode, we return to the Coffee Table Comics podcast, the new-ish podcast by artist and creator Jason Brubaker. If you’re not familiar with his work, you really should be. He has put out such work as reMIND and his most current comic Sithrah. This particular episode is the second half of a fantastic conversation between Jason and his guests. On the show is Gutter Talk alumni, Daniel Warren Johnson, the creator of the stupendous comic Space Mullet, and also Royden Lepp, the creator of another amazing comic called Rust.


Underdog Self Promo Sunday Recap – September

In this month’s Self Promo Sunday Recap for September we asked the following questions over in the Underdog Facebook Group and got some great answers. Check out the responses!

And if you want to participate in the monthly event, just join the Facebook group and keep your eyes and ears open during the first weekend of every month, which is when we hold Self Promo Sundays. (more…)

45: Jason Brubaker, Doug TenNapel & Ethan Nicolle pt.2 (Classic #9) – Gutter Talk Podcast

After a quick break for Halloween and an amazing discussion with one of the masters in the horror genre, we return you to another re-issue of Jason Brubaker’s old podcasts. This week is Part 2 of the fantastic conversation between Jason, Doug TenNapel, and Ethan Nicolle, first with a brief intro with Adam and Patrick. If you missed Part 1, click here.

Best quotes from the ‘cast:

[Tweet “(life) rewards these really bizarre moments of fate and timing and you can’t second guess it. -@TenNapel”]

[Tweet “The best thing you can do is put out something honest that’s really good. -@TenNapel”]


Artist Comments: Supplement or Essential?

I have always mistrusted the common practice in webcomics where artists include their commentary directly beneath new pages. Often reading this extra material is comparable to watching a movie or television show with the commentary track turned on… and who elects for their first viewing to include commentary? It does a (sometimes minor, sometimes major) disservice to the work when you don’t allow it to speak for itself, and I’ve seen far too many comics lean on those blocks of text to actually convey what’s going on more than the page above does. This is a dangerous trap to fall into. When a comic simply doesn’t make any sense if I ignore the commentary I usually stop reading altogether. “It’s part of the presentation,” some say. So are indexes in books, and like all supplementary materials they should never be required reading to understand what the supplemented work is saying.

[Tweet “When a comic simply doesn’t make any sense if I ignore the commentary I usually stop reading altogether”]
