Posts Tagged: mooc

21: Pitching Your Project (Round Table) – Gutter Talk Podcast

Everyone knows what it’s like to have to present something in school, having to stand up in front of a group of peers and present something or give a speech. Everyone also knows the sweaty palms, the white knuckles, the quasi out of body experience while speaking. If you can even get the words out, that is.

Well, don’t look now but if you’re an artist with a project, your speech giving days aren’t over. And in fact, this one’s for your livelihood: You have to pitch your project, your baby, to an individual who receives pitches from others and their babies all day, every day. Feel free to have a seat, if you need to. We understand.

But fear not, dear artist. Our esteemed CEO and panel host Patrick Yurick, along with some of the great minds in the industry today, are here to help. Even if it involves stalking. While we here at Making Comics don’t condone it, there just may be a benefit in there somewhere. Take a listen to this week’s Get a Grasp! MOOC panel podcast and find out how.


20: Project Management For Comics (Round Table) – Gutter Talk Podcast

One million points to you if you’ve heard this one before: “If ya got time to lean, ya got time to clean.” No? Well, if you’ve ever worked in the food industry, it’s a popular one. Good thing we don’t hear it much making comics. Still, the heart of that message may not be as icy as it sounds. How are we, as artists, scheduling our time? What are we doing to make sure we remain productive artists without burying ourselves by taking on too much work? And should we even say no to opportunities? These were just a few of the questions answered and broken down by the incredible group of artistic minds we had for Week 3 of the Get A Grasp! MOOC panel.

Now, go download this episode, click the Play button on this podcast, and get back to work, slacker!


19: Worldbuilding For Comics (Round Table) – Gutter Talk Podcast

The Get A Grasp! MOOC train rolls on with this amazing Week 2 panel. The topic was Worldbuilding and there was no shortage of wood to stoke the fire as the train sped on down the tracks. Join Patrick Yurick, your very own train conductor for the week (sans the funny hat), and the powerhouse list of passengers for a ride you won’t soon forget.


18: How To Start Making Comics (Round Table) – Gutter Talk Podcast

We recently wrapped up a four week long Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) called “Get A Grasp!” that covered everything from ideation to pitching your idea to networking. Each week we also had a live online panel with amazing artists and professionals in the industry. What you’re about to listen to is the Week 1 panel, which came out with all cylinders firing. The topics, the guests, the conversation, all of it was well worth the price of admission. Which, oh by the way, was free. Just like this podcast. All in the name of art and comic creation. Alright, bring it in. Group hug!


5: Christina Blanch – Gutter Talk Podcast

Is it a hangout? Is it a podcast? A hangcast? A podout? Adam and Patrick travel the interwebz long-distance for this hangpod. Or whatever. What matters is this: Christina Blanch is on the show!
