Posts Tagged: doug tennapel

84: Jason Brubaker, Doug TenNapel, & Ethan Nicolle (CLASSIC #18) – Gutter Talk Podcast

Nearly five months ago, we released what we thought was the last of the Making Comics Gutter Talk re-issue podcasts. For those not familiar with the backstory, at one time, this great site was run by Jason Brubaker, creator of Sithrah and reMIND. However, as Jason’s work and home life began to increase with success and responsibilities, both the site and podcasts became a responsibility he didn’t feel comfortable not putting his all into. He subsequently handed the reigns to Patrick Yurick near the end of 2013 and, well, the journey has been interesting since then, to say the least.

A new podcast and podcast host joined the ranks. Still, people clamored for Jason’s old podcasts, and rightly so. The guests and conversations were a great mix of depth and joy, and every episode was a learning tool. After contacting Jason, he agreed to let us re-release the old podcasts until they ran out. Earlier this year, towards the end of May, we thought we had reached that point. However, what was previously released was only Part 1. If you have not heard Part 1 yet, click here. Jason let us know he still had the second half but it needed some edits. Towards the end of this past summer, Jason was able to find the time in his busy schedule to complete those edits. He even included a personal message at the end of the episode so make sure you listen all the way through.


74: Jason Brubaker, Doug TenNapel, & Ethan Nicolle (Classic #17) – Gutter Talk Podcast

We’re coming down to the last couple re-issue episodes from when Jason Brubaker was hosting the podcasts back in the day. The guests on this show are also no strangers to his show, as they were both on once before. And that was a fantastic conversation so it only makes sense this one is just as great.

In this Making Comics Gutter Talk re-issue episode Jason and his special co-host are joined by artists and creators Doug TenNapel and Ethan Nicolle for the first part of a two part conversation. There are some very heartwarming moments and also some fantastic information to keep in mind when considering doing a Kickstarter project in this episode, especially when Jason’s talking about his experience with reMIND. Plus, Ethan talks a little about the cast of Axe Cop, the television adaptation of the comic he co-created with his younger brother, Malachai.

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to really explore the redesign of the site. If you have, please be sure to let us know what you like, don’t like, or if there’s something you’d like to see. We really are hoping to have not just an educational aspect to the site but a community aspect, as well. We’ve already taken on our first content curator since the redesign went live so if you want to volunteer, please be sure to let us know.

Also, make sure you are heading over to iTunes to give us a review and rating. We know we keep saying this but it’s very important to the cause, even while these podcasts are only a portion of what we have to offer.


45: Jason Brubaker, Doug TenNapel & Ethan Nicolle pt.2 (Classic #9) – Gutter Talk Podcast

After a quick break for Halloween and an amazing discussion with one of the masters in the horror genre, we return you to another re-issue of Jason Brubaker’s old podcasts. This week is Part 2 of the fantastic conversation between Jason, Doug TenNapel, and Ethan Nicolle, first with a brief intro with Adam and Patrick. If you missed Part 1, click here.

Best quotes from the ‘cast:

[Tweet “(life) rewards these really bizarre moments of fate and timing and you can’t second guess it. -@TenNapel”]

[Tweet “The best thing you can do is put out something honest that’s really good. -@TenNapel”]


43: Jason Brubaker, Doug TenNapel & Ethan Nicolle pt.1 (Classic #8) – Gutter Talk Podcast

Even though we on the inside have access to these Jason Brubaker podcasts from a few years ago, it’s still a surprise how jam-packed they are with pure gold. Trust us when we say it’s a struggle to not binge-listen to the entire library. Today’s episode is the first half of a sit down between three fantastic artists: Jason Brubaker, Doug TenNapel, and Ethan Nicolle. Before that, Adam and Patrick discuss a few of the more finer points.
