Posts Tagged: Design

Character Design (For Your Portfolio)

LINK: Sheridan Portfolio Tips For Character Design

4_FWEBCharacter design can be difficult. This great website helps you understand how to break down the different ways you need to fundamentally design your character before you start using that character for production. This walkthrough was originally created as a helpful tutorial for future animators to develop their portfolio for entry into the Sheridan College Bachelor of Animation program.

Character design is paramount before beginning work on a printed page due to the need for consistency of design required to draw a character repeatedly over the course of a compendium of pages.


The Flow Of A Page, Part 2

Gutters and Borders: Where The Action Really Happens

So, here it is, the second installment in my series on ‘The Flow Of A Page.’  Last time we broke it down with panel layouts, both grid and free-form, and talked about ‘The Big Z,’ that is, bouncing the reader’s eye exactly where you want it to go across the page.  This is a medium that should strive for, above all other things, clarity.  You as the artist/writer/creator are trying to convey a message (story) that should be able to be digested by the reader without confusion or chaos.  That’s not to say confusion and chaos can’t be used as effective elements as well, but that’s for another post.  You’ve already learned some rudiments on panel layout, so now we will move on to the construction of panels, and that all-important space in between them, the gutter.
