Posts Tagged: Comic

Unnatural Talent

Making Comics is proud to present the first chapter of Jason Brubaker’s book, Unnatural Talent, for all to enjoy! If you’re looking to get into comics, are already pursuing your stories, or looking for some solid resources to add to your already impressive collection of knowledge, then Jason’s book should be at the top of your list! If you like what you see, you can purchase the entire book in ebook or good old paperback forms on Amazon by clicking here!



Tropes are storytelling devices. Used well, they enrich a story; used badly, they result in the dreaded cliché. This series of articles takes a closer look at some major tropes relevant to comics and the pitfalls they may present.

This isn’t a trope per se, but a collection of thoughts and advice on this subject from someone who was deeply obsessed with names at some point. It’s written with comics in mind but applies equally to writing for other media.


Writing Tropes: Copy-Paste Plot

Tropes are storytelling devices. Used well, they enrich a story; used badly, they result in the dreaded cliché. This series of articles takes a closer look at some major tropes relevant to comics and the pitfalls they may present. (more…)

Panel Descriptions in the Digital Age (part 2)

You’ve worked out your tone, the character design sketches, and are ready to write those panels, right? Great! The format of your pages is entirely up to you, your artist, and your editor. Heck, you could text message or tweet a description of each panel if you wanted to! But the main point is to get on the same page, and this is done by finding a common language before you begin. (more…)

So You Wanna Publish A Webcomic? – Part 3

Basic edits
We ended the last post with WordPress and ComicPress installed and our child theme created. We’re now ready to start customizing our site so that it looks like we want it to. This post is still what I’d classify as a beginner level and we’re going to be customizing the layout, type and colors. Let’s get started.
